
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

NIT to Show 1.3MP GS + 140dB WDR Sensor

New Imaging Technology (NIT) announces a new global shutter member of its WDR sensor family - the 1.3MP, 140dB NSC1003. It's said to be the first sensor delivering a DR of more than 140dB in a single frame, a resolution of 1.3MP and a global shutter function combined. The sensor is based on 6.8um pixels and has 2/3-inch optical format. The sensor has global and rolling shutter readout modes and provides a differential analog output. The NSC1003 is available for pre-order.

NIT is going to demo the new sensor at the VISION Show 2012 in Stuttgart on Nov. 6-8. NIT also nominated for Vision Award for its MAGIC 3D stereoscopic platform.



  1. What's the read noise like?

    1. Probably like a 3T pixel, more than 20e?

    2. Yes. The noise floor is like 3T pixel actually.

      -yang ni


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