
Thursday, September 30, 2010

DSLR Sensor's Overheat Limits Video Mode

Engaged, CNET-Asia: Most DSLRs can can record video between 5 and 12 minutes, although the reason for this limitation was not officially stated. Now, Sony has confirmed (in Japanese) that the recording time limit on its latest Alpha SLT-A55 and A33 cameras are due to overheating image sensors. When the sensor-shift image stabilizer is turned on, the A55 can record for a maximum of 9 minutes at 20C, and the time is reduced to 6 minutes if the temperature rises to 30C. However, if you turn off the sensor-shift IS, you can film up to 22-29 minutes at 20-30C temperature, respectively.

1 comment:

  1. what is the temperature at the end of the recording duration limitation ?


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