
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Next Thing after PTC Series

Albert Theuwissen looks for the themes for his excellent blog, as PTC series nears its end. Nobody seems to propose the theme in two days passed since the request was posted, so I decided to duplicate it here.


  1. I'd like to see a series about color science as it relates to machine vision. I have an interest because we sell five different kinds of color cameras but hardly any engineers know how to decide which to use. There is a lot of hype surrounding color measurement and analysis techniques as well as color sensing. A nice calm, comprehensive series such as Albert presents would likely be welcomed.

  2. Series about RTS and 1/f noise in image sensors would be interesting.

  3. How about other sensor characterization techniques & methods? PTC isn't the only fish in the sea...

  4. @ ... other sensor characterization techniques and methods ?
    Such as ?

  5. How about sensor MTF, optical and electrical crosstalk, color/spectral characterization.

  6. Thanks for the comments made in this blog as well as in the one on my own website. Although all very valuable, it will take some more time to put a series of blogs together on the themes mentioned, compared to the series of PTC articles I did.

  7. Obviously there is a need for a good book on image sensor characterization. I propose that Albert write this book!

  8. Jim Janesick already wrote THE book.

  9. Are you referring to the Scientific CCD book or the later Photon Transfer book? The PT book seems a little limited in scope, but fine for what it covers.

    I think something that is a little more commercially oriented would be useful. Even a book that explains the PTC technique better might be useful, as evidenced by the interest in Albert's blog and of course his courses.
    Lastly, Jim is probably one of the world's great characterization engineers, but he is not a device physicist and having that background would be helpful in an author.

    This isn't a competition. I am just trying to identify a need for additional resources.

  10. @ "explains the PTC technique better"

    Measure noise with noise, what more do you want? JJ covers this is in so much depth we are all sinking. Commercial orientation sounds like the same thing with a new title. JJ also has plenty of discussion of the device physics. There is no lacking there, especially concerning the topic of characterization.

    Time to move on.


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