
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Casio Presents "Image Sensor Communication Technology"

Casio unveils "prototype visible light communication system using smartphones. The system flashes smartphone screens to achieve visible light communication (VLC). When someone takes a photo with a smartphone camera, the subjects simply turn their smartphone screens toward the camera device to display personal information or messages in the photo. The images and information are shared on the spot among everyone’s smartphones":

The same system enables users to receive information from a shop or advertiser, by viewing digital signage or an LED light source placed in front of the shop through a smartphone camera:

The Youtube video shows how the system works:


  1. If you have some like that marketing, you can sell anything.

  2. This sounds like a incredibly bad idea to me. Augmented reality is fine, but I am already seeing stroke victims. Also none of the ipeople is gonna hold their iProducts up for more than 1 second(hence why they have iProducts). Good job fake болван women, you can sell anything.

  3. For me, there doesn't seem to be a lot of practical difference between this system and a QR code. Okay, here there is all-optical handset-to-handset communication, but the data rate is bound to be so low that all you can transmit are a short text message and instructions for using pre-loaded graphics.

    As for the presenters, I think they really did do a good job. In this case, the job is standing for 8 or 10 hours at this booth giving the same presentation over and over again, and repeating for each day of the conference. Probably in heels. It's unlikely they get special accommodation for monthly issues, illness, family needs, etc. If they put in the hours, they get paid, and if they don't put in the hours, they don't get paid. And it's probably a temporary job too, so next week they might be at a completely different conference in a completely different city. No PTO days, no annual bonuses, no promotions, none of the benefits enjoyed by the many conference attendees who stop by the booth briefly and then wander off to get a coffee and find a place to sit because their feet hurt. Probably. Almost certainly.

    It's hard work, and they did a good job.

    Also, they have to deal with a certain segment of the population who automatically view them as "fake bolvan women" rather than as people trying their best to make a living.


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