
Sunday, June 03, 2012

Invisage on Youtube

Invisage published a short Youtube video talking about its technology:


  1. They must need more funding...

  2. I think that they are several years of light behind the real digital imaging revolution!!! It's shameful to see that the technical guys have been transformed into a show-business-like style.

  3. I hope they're not using the same drawing tools for the mask sets....

  4. Cool! This is the breakthrough!

  5. Why use colour filters on this? Seems there is no need to maybe.

  6. Anyone ever heard of or seen working examples of this technology?

  7. An educated comment should have been to provide reasons explaining why this technology is not promising.

  8. The technology is promising, in theory. I think the commenters are reacting to the fact that this company has made big announcements and promises for years, and has yet to ship anything. Having been in the same spot myself before, I have some sympathy for the team. The problem is you have to make lots of noise and promises to raise the type of money you need for a project like this, and it always takes 5x as long as you think to get something ready for market. By that time the incumbent technology (Silicon) has found its way around many of the obstacles you initially highlighted... and you have to re-spin your product and/or story to make it relevant (which means raising some more money!).

    Ah... the joys of novel device development.


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