
Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Boyd Fowler Joins Google

Boyd Fowler's LinkedIn page shows that he's now Technical Program Manager at Google, since Sept. 2013. The page indicates that Boyd also continues his previous job at BAE Systems as Technical Director. Boyd has joined BAE through the acquisition of Fairchild Imaging where he was CTO. Boyd Fowler is one of the directors of IISS and recently was Co-Chair of IISW 2013 and the previous workshops too.


  1. Did anyone notice his appearance in season 5 of 'Dexter' too? ;-)

  2. WOW, apple and google went for shopping to IISW13 and got both workshop organisers Boyd and Gennadij..

    1. Good news then for Johannes Solhusvik, Pierre Magnan and myself. We will organize the IISW2015 in Europe ...

    2. Are you expected to be bought by Google too?

  3. You got some attitude, Albert!

  4. The 2013 IISW score is more like Apple +1, Google +1, Samsung -1, BAE -1, Aptina -1.
    which of course has nothing to do with IISW.

    I am pretty sure Boyd has left BAE for Google. I would not count on a linked in page to be 100% accurate.

    1. Samsung -1... I did not know that. Probably worth a separate announcement.

  5. No, not worth a separate announcement. My work with Samsung effectively ended at the end 2012 when the Image Architecture Lab at Samsung Semi R&D was disbanded and personnel moved to the System LSI image sensor products group. A great team that I was happy to work with for nearly 5 years. It is working out quite nicely that I can focus on my growing sponsored projects and teaching at Dartmouth now. Plus it takes a lot of time to keep up with this blog activity Vlad!

  6. Would you think Boyd is now making image sensors for Google?

  7. I stumbled onto this forum and found all my old friends here with names I can recognize...Hi Albert, Eric, Johannes, Ed Roks, Teranishi-san...

    1. Hi, but you should tell us who you are ...


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