
Thursday, February 06, 2014

Invisage Publishes Promotional Video

Invisage publishes a promotional Youtube video. The rumor is that the company is to launch its 13MP INV1310 QuantumFilm sensor this spring, targeting high-end smartphones.


  1. Could you develop ? If one day I really have a better sensor in my phone, I'll be more than happy :)

  2. I liked the ad. Not sure why you would create such an ad - who is it for? Perhaps just investors. I think it the technology is better than, say Sony's, then then have a chance. If not, then they have to go with alternative factors and get in line with everyone else. We will find out before long.

    If there is some anonymous person out there who has evaluated this sensor, please let us know!

  3. If Moore's law applied to QE, we would quickly have sensors with >1000% QE :-)

  4. Any figures on dark and kTC noise?


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