
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

NHK Shows 133MP 8K Video Sensor

Tech in Asia got an early look at NHK open house exhibition, scheduled to open on May 29. One of the achievements is 133MP image sensor for 8K video cameras:

NHK also schedules a special lecture on bright future for 8K cameras for endoscopic applications.

Update: NHK publishes a flyer of the new sensor, showing its Bayer CFA:

Update #2: Gigazine publishes NHK poster saying that the sensor's speed is 60fps at 12b ADC resolution: speculates that the sensor is designed by Forza.

Update #3: NikkeiBP posts explanations on how 133MP resolution is used. The reason for the increased resolution is that 33MP needs to be maintained in each of RGB channels.


  1. Why so many pixels? It's four times what's needed.

    1. The linked article says:

      "the insane resolution will allow for more post-production flexibility when it comes to enhancing or adding effects before scaling the image down."

  2. I just love the progress in video tech. Waiting for 8k to go mainstream.


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