
Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Brigates Publishes MCCD Datasheet

Brigates publishes a fairly detailed datasheet of its BG0601D MCCD sensor:


  1. Ridicule product...

  2. It would be helpful, if there is a comparison with common CMOS sensor.
    Spectral responsibility is one of the reasons why this product is considered.

  3. Is Brigates named after someone? Or is a translation from another language? The first thing I think when I see the name is that it has something to do with an outlaw (brigand) or a ship (frigate), so maybe it's a name for an outlaw ship. So I picture a pirate.

  4. why not "bri"dge plus "gates"?
    So, "Bri""gates"....

  5. CCD used to be called 'bucket brigade'. Combined with CMOS gates, the name is obvious. From Wikipedia:
    "The stored analogue signal is moved along the line of capacitors, one step at each clock cycle."
    "The concept of the bucket-brigade device led to the charge-coupled device (CCD) developed by Bell Labs."

  6. To "Oh wat mooi" : BBD or bucket brigate devices are different from CCDs, BBDs were invented by Sangster and Teer (Philips) and published in 1969. Charge-coupled devices were invented by Boyle and Smith (Bell Labs) and published in 1970. But Sangster and Teer already mentioned in their publication that a BBD could be used as an image sensor as well, but I doubt whether they ever tried to use it as an image sensor. I think that by the time they were able to try the CCD was born.

    1. "BBD=bucket brigade" (not "brigate" my friend!) which comes from passing buckets of water to put out a fire.

    2. Your advantage is being a native English speaking person, my disadvantage is being a non-native English speaking person, so a "t" easily can be exchanged by a "d". But nevetheless my friend, Keep on rockin' in the free world, keep on blogging in the free world !

    3. ha. Actually I feel it is more authoritative to speak American English with a British English accent, or Dutch or German accent than with a native American English accent. So, advantage-Theuwissen.

  7. I wonder what this will look like, and how it compared to BBD and CCD, Goven the discrete nature of CMOS it may be more like BBD, even.


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