
Monday, March 07, 2016

First Photon Imaging

Boston University Associate Professor Vivek Goyal lecture "First-Photon Imaging and Other Imaging with Few Photons" is published on Vimeo:

"LIDAR systems use single-photon detectors to enable long-range reflectivity and depth imaging. By exploiting an inhomogeneous Poisson process observation model and the typical structure of natural scenes, first-photon imaging demonstrates the possibility of accurate LIDAR with only 1 detected photon per pixel, where half of the detections are due to (uninformative) ambient light. I will explain the simple ideas behind first-photon imaging. Then I will present related subsequent works that enable the use of detector arrays and improve robustness to ambient light."

1 comment:

  1. Great talk.
    Only comment: "LIDAR systems use single-photon detectors to enable long-range reflectivity and depth imaging." but they are focusing on a scene of 2m distance. Is that long range?
    It would have been nice to see the SPADs and dToF winning against APD and iToF over 50-100m


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