
Sunday, August 21, 2016

High Speed Image Sensor Applications

Tokyo University Ishikawa Watanabe Lab publishes a couple of Youtube video exploring high speed image sensor applications. "High-speed 3D Sensing with Three-view Geometry Using a Segmented Pattern" demos 1000fps 3D camera:

"High-Speed Image Rotator for Blur-Canceling Roll Camera" demos rotation-compensating camera:


  1. Why is the bare arm not sensed? It is clearly illuminated by the patter, but the hand and the arm are not recognised until a glove or whatever the additional material is put on top of it. The red ball seems to work fine. What is the reason behind it? Reflectivity? What can be ranged and what can be not, and why?

  2. Looks like reflectivity

  3. All similar techniques (eg Kinect1 and all its clones) are limited by the resolution of the projector, in case of Kinect1 it's just 70K points, in this case much less. Number of 3D points ~ number of projector dots.

  4. Yes, reflectivity should be the answer but it's surprising that the red ball is sensed with no problem while the arm is not. The red ball appears to be less reflecting than the arm (at least to the human eye). It would be useful to know what the reflectivity limitations are and what is causing that.


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