
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Intel RealSense and Project Alloy Highlights

Intel publishes highlights of RealSense camera technology features in its CEO Brian Krzanich presentation. Among other stuff, it features the company Project Alloy "merged reality" headset with embedded RealSense 3D camera. Project Alloy will be offered as an open platform in 2017.


  1. I didn't really see how Merged Reality was related to the party video,

    1. It shows that one can not differentiate between real and virtual objects at the party, up to the point when the software stops animation toward the end of the video.

    2. Thanks for explanation, Vlad! it looks an interactive video game then :)

  2. One can easily guess which industry will be an early adopter of such technology...

    1. And 13 year old boys will be spending more time in their rooms.

  3. Cinemas will be disappeared soon!

  4. Well - big applause for Intel, They have money to do a lot of things. Im waiting for it.

    But.... As i watched movie i did WOW from 1:37....
    BUT BUT BUT its totally fake!
    Lets look at 1:37 at lady which is dancing with black guy, and have stripes on mini dress.
    Remember where she is located
    And now time stops - and look when camera get back on dance floor again - Scene is totally difrrent with diffrent persons!

    So Intel - SHAMNE ON YOU!

    1. I don't think its supposed to be real. They keep saying what if and will be which implies this is where they are heading rather than this is where they are. Besides even pixar couldn't do something as life like as this.

  5. Kudos to Intel, they have the deep pockets


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