
Friday, September 30, 2016

ADAS Market Report

Woodside Capital Partners published Report on ADAS/Autonomous Sensing Industry. Few slides from the report:


  1. I read this and it seems to have a tremendous amount of holes in their suppositions. While providing a 30' view, it leaves out players that are well known in the industry, for just one example; under Logic they leave out Socionext or any FPGA player, Xilinx and Altera. There are a number of SW players as well that have been left out. Really seems like an "outsiders" take of this sector, and not from someone inside who is really in the know.

  2. Couldn't disagree more with page 10 of this report. Most OEMs and Tier One's I talk to think there is an increased need for vision sensors the further along things get from conditional automation to full autonomous - stages 3-5. For 1-3, it's a given vision systems and recognition are required. Radar and 3D LIDAR could be great detection and range systems, but there will still be a greater need for recognition engines that require vision systems as the mission becomes more critical. Roads change, construction and foul weather happens, signs change. SAE International's 6 stages represent tasks that need to be performed, not the method in which they can be performed. This report is a gross, oversimplification of how those tasks will be performed by various sensing, algorithms and logic to meet SAE's standards.


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