
Saturday, February 09, 2019

Curve-One to Bring Curved Sensors to Market

Cea-Leti spin-off Curve-One startup aims to commercialize curved sensor technology and products:

"Fruit of 6 years of research and development, the Curve-One Fish-Eye benefits from the most optimized process. Based on not less than 8 patents, mass-production oriented, Curve-One is the most technically advanced wide field camera.

In terms of technologies, this is the dawn of a new era for cameras, camera phones, autonomous cars, drones, military instruments and bio-medical instruments, with the access to wider fields and exquisite homogeneity of the optical properties across the images, and faster systems not possible with classical flat focal planes.

Also, fewer components are needed, and the remaining ones are less complex. This increases economical and technical performance for the optical systems optimizations.

Soon to be off-the-shelf components for civil applications (cameras, civil drone) these breakthrough components will blossom in the technical needs for autonomous cars, military drones and advanced bio-medical applications.


  1. Vladimir, thanks for your excellent up to date articles.

    They are using a CMOSIS CMV200008. A paper called: "Curved CMOS sensor: characterization of the first fully functional prototype", available here: - it contains the same photo as your article.

  2. Out of curiosity, would a sensor curved inwards be a greater concern for issues like cross tall (and many other issues), than one which may be curved forwards. Also, how would lenses, especially zoom lenses work with a curved sensor?

  3. The direction of the curve in the diagram appears inconsistent with the photographs of the sensor.

    I assume this is a concave sensor (as depicted by the photographs), and not a convex sensor (as depicted by the diagrams).

  4. If this would be a convex sensor, you get more problems with the worde CRA in the corners. It has to be a concave sensor - less shading at the edges is one of the advantages here.

    1. I became excited as a convex sensor is needed for fast astromony mirrors.

  5. Dear Vladimir, I’m Sebastien CEO and Founder of Curve One. Could you please change your article as we are not a Spin off of Cea-Leti. We are a private company which use an other technologie to curve sensors. Thansk for changing. Best, Sebastien

    1. Thank you for the correction, Sebastien. I wish you a good luck with your new company!

    2. Hi my name is Alex and I am an astrophotography hobbyist.
      My email now is and I frequent an Australian astronomy forum.
      I could not think of a way to contact someone in the area of the development of curved sensors.
      In astro photography short focal length is most advantageous as is using mirrors instead of lens because one can have large mirrors that can be hand made and of course one can not do this with a lens found in a camera... so I want to alert you to the huge atea of demand that will be found if one can produce a camera using a convex lens which would suit a mirror.
      At the ptesent it is difficult to go shorter than f4 but I expect with a curved sensor that limit could be halved.
      The company that comes out with a narrow band cooled mono camera with a convex sensor shouls be able to rule the astro photography market until the rest catch up.
      If you want someone to tesy a proto type I can assemble a few folk who could guide such development.
      Yours faithfully
      Alex Evans


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