
Saturday, October 16, 2021

2021 Walter Kosonocky Award

 ST reports at its Facebook page:

"ST’s Francois Roy succeeds in solid-state image sensors

The International Image Sensor Society recently gave François Roy the Walter Kosonocky Award for his paper entitled Fully Depleted Trench-Pinned Photo Gate for CMOS Image Sensor Applications. The Photo Gate pixel concept improves image quality and the manufacturing process.

‘’It is a great honor for ST, the ST Imaging teams, my PhD students and myself to receive this prestigious award and I thank them all,’’ said François.

At ST we are proud of our inventors. We nurture strong competences and encourage our distinguished senior experts to coach young engineers."


  1. ST always has innovative ideas.

  2. Albert Theuwissen - Harvest ImagingOctober 16, 2021 at 2:47 PM

    Congratulations to Francois and his colleagues. Great piece of work !

  3. A well deserved recognition!
    Congrats, François and your team!

  4. Congratulations to Francois and team as well. Your 2019 IISW Snowbird paper was by far my highlight for the conference, even thought the sensor was apparently already in production. As a side note, it seems like a distant cousin to a trench-defined CCD concept doi: 10.1109/55.31712 from the late 80's.


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