
Monday, March 07, 2022

New Author Introduction - Saleh Masoodian

I'd guess many of you know Saleh Masoodian, CEO of Gigajot. I'm happy to announce that Saleh has kindly agreed to join the authors of the blog.

With Mark and Saleh, the new blog would offer quite diverse views on the industry.


  1. Thanks Vladimir! We all appreciate your hard work to manage the blog and post almost every day for more than a decade. We all did benefit from the blog content. All of us are very busy with work and life, however, to make sure the blog won't die, I encourage other fellow image sensor folks to volunteer to contribute. I personally may be able to publish at most one or two posts per week.

  2. If it's ok with the moderators, I'll be happy to volunteer as well, albeit with a computer science-y perspective. I stumble across many articles in computer vision and computational imaging literature and always excited about cross-pollination between the vision and image sensors community. I might post once every fortnight.
    (Atul Ingle, PhD
    -- Portland State University)

    1. Thank you, Atul. Please send me your email and I'll add you to the posters.


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