
Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Image Sensors Europe 2019 Notes

Image Sensors Europe conference held in London, UK on March 13-14, 2019 has a couple of interesting messages:

Mantis Vision reports that smartphone 3D cameras based on structured light approach has been largely rejected by the market due to a large display "notch" needed for stereo base:

Amazon asks a question whether image sensors can be as power efficient as audio sensors? For example, modern always-on audio solutions consume just 19uA while waiting for a wake-up phrase "OK Google":

Martin Wany shows that several CMOSIS key designers have left the company after AMS acquired it and started new companies:

NHK presented its Selenium-based image sensor:

ON Semi shows the capabilities of its AR0430 sensor with SuperDepth technology:

Sony quotes few papers on DNN potential of improving image quality:


  1. Hi Vladimir, are the presentations online somewhere? or will they be published some time in the future?

    1. They are available for attendees only, as far as I know.

  2. Hi Vladimir, are there any other details for the CMOS/Selenium image sensor, I'd be interested to see its QE vs Wavelength specs etc.

    1. Yes, NHK gave some data on QE. Unfortunately, they talked about an external QE that includes avalanche multiplication. They gave two graphs:

      - one with 15V bias shows ~85% at 500nm dropping down to ~10% at 670nm

      - one with 23V bias is ~110% at 500nm going down to ~20% at 670nm

      This is quite useless data since we do not know the excess noise factor in their avalanche process or the avalanche gain.

    2. Vladimir, is the NHK SuperHARP is also made of Se please ? Thanks !

    3. HARP is made of amorphous Se, while this one is crystalline Se.


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