
Monday, June 10, 2024

IEEE SENSORS 2024 Update from Dan McGrath


IEEE SENSORS 2024 Image Sensor Update

This is a follow-up to my earlier Image Sensor World post on how the program initiative related to image sensors participation in IEEE SENSORS 2024 is coming together. Two activities targeted at the image sensor community have been organized as follows:

·         A full-day workshop on Sunday, 20 October, organized by Sozo Yokogawa of SONY and Erez Tadmor of onSemi, titled “From Imaging to Sensing: Latest and Future Trends of CMOS Image Sensors”. It includes speakers from Omnivision, onSemi, Samsung, Canon, SONY, Artilux, TechInsights and Shizuoka University.

·         A focus session on Monday afternoon, 21 October, organized by S-G Wuu of Brillnics, DN Yang of TSMC and John McCarten of L3/Harris on stacking in image sensors. It will lead with an invited speaker. There is the opportunity for submitted presentations on any aspect of stacking. Those interested should submit an abstract to me at before 30 June. The selection process will be handled separately from the regular process for the conference.

This initiative is to encourage the image sensor community to give SENSORS the chance to prove itself a vibrant, interesting and welcoming home for the exchange of technical advances. It is part of the IEEE Sensors Council’s initiative to increase industrial participation across the council’s activities. Other events planned at SENSORS 2024 as part of this initiative are a session on standards and a full-day in-conference workshop on the human-machine interface. There will also be the opportunity for networking between industry and students.

Consider joining the Sensors Council – it is free if you are an IEEE member. Consider the mutual benefit of being in an organization and participating in a conference that shares more than just the name “sensors”. Our image sensor community is a leader in tackling the problems of capturing what goes on in the physical world, but there are also things that can be learned by our community from the cutting-edge work related to other sensors.

The submission date for the conference in general is at present 11 June, but there is a proposal to extend it to 25 June. Check the website.

Looking forward to seeing you in Kobe.

Dan McGrath

TechInsights Inc.

Industrial Co-Chair, IEEE SENSORS 2024

AdCom member, IEEE Solid State Circuits Society & IEEE Sensor Council

1 comment:

  1. I can confirm that the paper submission date for SENSORS 2024 has been extended to 25 June.


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