Saturday, July 27, 2024

International Image Sensor Society Calls for Award Nominations

The International Image Sensor Society (IISS) calls for nominations for IISS Exceptional Lifetime Achievement Award, IISS Pioneering Achievement Award, and IISS Exceptional Service Award. The Awards are to be presented at the 2025 International Image Sensor Workshop (IISW) (to be held in Japan).
Description of Awards:

  • IISS Exceptional Lifetime Achievement Award. This Award is made to a member of the image sensor community who has made substantial sustained and exceptional contributions to the field of solid-state image sensors over the course of their career. (Established 2013)
  • IISS Pioneering Achievement Award. This award is to recognize a person who made a pioneering achievement in image sensor technology as judged by at least 10 years of hindsight as a foundational contribution. (Established 2015)
  • IISS Exceptional Service Award. This award is presented for exceptional service to the image sensor specialist community. This category recognizes activities in editorial roles, conference leadership roles, and so on, outside of their service related to the IISS. (Established 2011)

Submission deadline: all nominations must be received by October 1st, 2024 using the specified entry format.

Email for submissions:

Note: Self-nomination is discouraged.

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