Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sony announces IMX901/902 wide aspect ratio global shutter CIS

Press release:

Product page:

Sony Semiconductor Solutions to Release 8K Horizontal, Wide-Aspect Ratio Global Shutter Image Sensor for C-mount Lenses That Delivers High Image Quality and High-Speed Performance

Atsugi, Japan — Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation (SSS) announced today the upcoming release of the IMX901, a wide-aspect ratio global shutter CMOS image sensor with 8K horizontal resolution and approximately 16.41 effective megapixels. The IMX901 supports C-mount lenses, which are widely used in industrial applications, and offers high image quality and high-speed performance, helping to solve to a variety of industrial challenges.

The new sensor provides high-resolution and wide field of view with 8K horizontal and 2K vertical pixels. In addition, it features Pregius STM, a global shutter technology with a unique pixel structure, to deliver low-noise, high-quality, high-speed, and distortion-free imaging in a compact size.

In addition to this product, SSS will also release the IMX902, which has 6K horizontal and 2K vertical pixels and approximately 12.38 effective megapixels, to expand its product lineup of global shutter image sensors.

In today's logistics systems, where belt conveyors are seeing wider belt widths and faster speeds, there is a growing demand for image sensors that can expand the imaging area for barcode reading and improve imaging performance and efficiency. Typically, multiple cameras are required to capture the entire belt conveyor in the field of view, which can lead to concerns about increased camera system size and costs.

A single camera equipped with the new sensor announced today can capture a wide-range area horizontally, helping to reduce the number of cameras and associated cost required compared to conventional methods. In addition, leveraging SSS's original back-illuminated structure, Pregius S, the new product delivers both distortion-free high-speed imaging and high image quality. The product also features a wide dynamic range exceeding 70 dB and clearly captures fast-moving objects with a high frame rate of 134 fps.

This product, which can capture images in wide aspect ratio with high image quality and high speed, can be used for barcode reading on belt conveyors at logistics facilities, machine vision inspections and appearance inspections to detect fine defects and scratches, and other applications. 



  1. Are these charge-domain or voltage-domain GS sensors?

  2. seems to be voltage based. storage node is in a seperate layer.

    1. That was a IMX900 2.25um pixel, yes, voltage based. But the new IMX901/902 2.74um pixel may be charge based or voltage based, not clear. The older and larger 3.45um GS pixel was charge based.

    2. The previous 2.74u were bsi charge domain. I would say this is bsi charge domain as well but then imx900 was voltage based so imx901 could be from same topology but larger pixels? Let’s wait and see

  3. Back in 2018, Sony showed a BSI 2.74 µm charge domain global shutter pixel with 10 ke- FWC. it was using metal-filled DTI for electrical and optical isolation of the memory area. They reported 2e- RMS read noise and 13.8 e-/s dark current on memory node and storage node at 60ºC and a QE of 85%, PLS of -80 dB. I assume that this pixel or an evolution of it is used in this sensor.


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