Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sony rebranding IMX sensors to LYTIA (?)

Link to full article:

Sony's image sensor makeover: IMX to LYTIA by 2026

... there's a buzz about Sony making a branding shift for its smartphone image sensors. According to a recent report, Sony is considering moving all its mobile image sensors, including the current IMX lineup, under the newer LYTIA brand. The company is gradually phasing out the IMX brand, and some IMX sensors have already been rebranded to LYTIA. Reportedly, the company plans to fully transition to the LYT lineup by 2026.

The report states that the 50MP IMX890 and IMX882 sensors have already been rebranded as LYT-701 and LYT-600. For instance, the LYT-600 is already used in the vivo X100 Ultra, launched in May this year.


  1. Not a question mark. This is absolute certainty and the LYTIA brand has been used for a year.

  2. also sooner or later they will run out of 3 digit numbers for all the devices, the LYT opens namespace for 1000 more devices ;-)

  3. Is it just a name change or is there a process/design change?

  4. What about Exmor (FSI), Exmor R (BSI), Exmor RS (BSI stacked) and Exmor T (tripple-layer stacked)? Will these names stay?

  5. LYT opens namespace for 1000 more devices, but they have already used LYT-"701". Does it mean there will be another new brand soon....

  6. correct man abosultely correct


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