Monday, July 18, 2016

Making 250,000 Machine Vision Cameras a Year

PointGrey publishes a video on what it means to manufacture 250,000 machine vision cameras a year:


  1. Great video.
    which kind of tests are implemented at minutes 1.53 and 2.06?
    thank you.

    1. Hi there! Mike Jacoby here from Point Grey. While I can't tell you all the tests that we do the optical inspection mainly looks at the sensor placement on the board - making sure there is no sensor tilt and placed right dead center on the board. We also make sure that the back flange distance is correct as well. The 2:06 tests basically runs the camera through functionality tests at different temperatures. There's a bunch more but I've been sworn to secrecy. If you'd like to know more about some of the testing we do we also have a "quality" page up that goes into a little more detail.

      Anyhow, thanks for watching the video!

  2. Point Grey not PointGray!

  3. Does Point Grey build and assemble the PCBs or do they use contract manufacturers?

    1. Hi! We do in-house SMT and all assembly at our Richmond Canada Headquarters.


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