Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Caeleste Presents GS HDR Sensor

Caeleste unveils CAE301 “ELFIS” image sensor based on LFoundry LF11IS BSI process:

  • 1920x1080 pixels
  • 15 μm pixel pitch
  • Global shutter using a “GS” CMOS technology with buried storage node
  • TID, SEU and SEL rad-hard design
  • QE > 90% by backside illumination
  • Read noise using CDS 2.5 e-RMS
  • QFW in HDR mode 250000 e-
  • “True” HDR based on the patented “3-level TG” method, reaching a single exposure, single integration time, synchronous DR > 100dB
The sensor is intended for high-end applications such as space missions earth and sky observation, scientific high speed imaging, and imaging in nuclear environment.

Caeleste also presents an imager for pushbroom cameras and a stand-alone rad-hard ADC for cryogenic and space applications.


  1. Is the sensor able to withstand the radiation at the damaged Fukushima facility?

    1. Dear Reiner;
      Please provide me with your full contact information and I can forward you details on the radiation hardening.
      Kerry Van Iseghem
      Caeleste, NA Sales and Marketing Manager

    2. Dear Reiner;
      If you are in Europe, you can contact, Jan Vermeiren,
      Eureca is their Rep in Germany.
      Best regards,


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