Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Functional Safety in Automotive Image Sensors

ON Semi publishes a webinar on Evaluating Functional Safety in Automotive Image Sensors:


  1. Nothing new, i gave the same presentation more than 10 years ago and i had a set of faulty images for my customers to try.
    I have a patent about the technique used inside the image sensor to provide in-sensor functional safety and fast test modes. The sensor actually used a mix of various techniques in order to reach full production test coverage and in-system testing capability. It was quite typical for a company specialized in automotive sensors but unusual for an image sensor.

  2. It's a great technique, sounds like you were way ahead of the times! With complexity in a sensor now you would need more than just a set of images. Probably hundreds or maybe thousands of faulty images. Would take an entire team and long effort now.

  3. The sensor at the times was already very complex (global shutter, multiple regions of exposure, multiple ROI, two HDR modes, multi-ramp column-parallel ADC, register shadowing, defect pixel correction, black level correction and so on). What we did nit have at that time were the high speed LVDS I/Os and a lot of digital functions but it is not the most difficult to test.
    What i found really difficult to test in-situ were the analog functions and especially anything in the middle of the pixel array that could relate to a partly defect matrix.


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