The 2023 workshop on Radiation Effects on Optoelectronic Detectors and Photonics Technologies (RADOPT) will be co-organised by CNES, UJM, SODERN, ISAE-SUPAERO AIRBUS DEFENCE & SPACE, THALES ALENIA SPACE in Touluse, France on November 29 and 30, 2023.
After the success of RADOPT 2021, this second edition of the workshop, will continue to combine and replace two well-known events from the Photonic Devices and IC’s community: the “Optical Fibers in Radiation Environments Days -FMR” and the Radiation effects on Optoelectronic Detectors Workshop, traditionally organized every-two years by the COMET OOE of CNES.
The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent developments regarding the use of optoelectronics and photonics technologies in radiation-rich environments. The workshop also offers the opportunity to highlight future prospects in the fast-moving space, high energy physics, fusion and fission research fields and to enhance exchanges and collaborations between scientists. Participation of young researchers (PhD) is especially encouraged.
Here is the website - RADOPT is one of the conference tracks.