Abstracts shall preferably address one or more of the following topics :
- pixel design ( low lag, linearity, FWC, MTF optimization, high quantum efficiency, large pitch pixels)
- electrical design (low noise amplifiers, shutter, CDS, high speed architectures, TDI, dynamics improvement)
- on-chip ADC ( in pixel, column, …)
- on-chip processing ( smart sensors, multiple gains, summation, corrections)
- materials ( thin film, optical layers, dopant, high resistivity, amorphous Si,…)
- processes ( backside thinning, hybridization, 3D,anti-reflection coating..)
- optical design ( micro-lenses, trench isolation, filters)
- large size devices (stitching, butting )
Although the workshop is mostly oriented to visible/NIR spectral range, this event is fully open to teams working on high performances IR and UV CMOS detectors. Teams developing non-space applications are also invited to propose abstracts, as space applications can also take benefit of innovative concepts from other domains (medical, automotive, machine vision,….).
Furthermore, we would like to invite laboratories and research centres which develop Custom CMOS image sensors with advanced smart design on-chip to join this rendezvous.
September 13th: deadline for abstract submission
October 11th: author notification & preliminary program
November 8th: final program
November 22nd: deadline for registration
November 26th, 27th: workshop
Registration is free of charge but mandatory.
Contact: alex.materne{at}cnes.fr
That is the Thanksgiving week here in the US. I know I won't be able to attend.